At The Lab, we don't compete for clients. We compete for talent. Talent helps build capabilities and culture that result in great work, which attracts clients and more talent.
This paper is for young talents who are figuring out their place in the world of creative work.
Probably. Everyone could be one to someone. At The Lab, we define talents as professionals with distinctive skillsets, growth mindsets, and good vibes.
Do you have a skill that is valuable to the work being done (or should be done) at the organization you're interested in joining? Are you uniquely better at that skill?
Do you seek to improve yourself and those around you? The world is transforming so fast that talents need to keep up. Generally this means you're taking classes, meeting people, exploring fields outside your comfort zones, staying updated.
You respect people and yourself. You have pride in your work, your words, and focus on progress. You're a decent, imperfect human being and you're okay with that.
Now that you are a talent. Read on.
Endless, but these are major options for creative professionals (e.g. designers) or professionals in the creative industry (e.g. producers or strategists).